Trauma: More Than a “Buzzword”
“Trauma” and “trauma-informed” are terms often used by many yoga schools and providers in their marketing attempts to attract students seeking resources for trauma recovery. In this blog post, I discuss the definition of trauma, what it truly means to be trauma-informed as a yoga provider, and how to find a provider qualified to support your post-traumatic growth and recovery.

Tools for Trauma Healing: The GOR Technique
Sometimes referred to as the “Foundational Trinity” (Walker, 2013), the Grounding, Orienting & Resourcing (GOR) Technique is deeply rooted in neuroscience and has been shown to assist individuals who have experienced trauma to create an internal sense of safety and well-being for healing from trauma symptoms (Stoller, 2019).

Stories of Eating Disorder Recovery
Eat Breathe Thrive Facilitator Alyssa Gremban shares her story of twenty-two years and thirteen hospitalizations battling an eating disorder and how Eat Breathe Thrive, in combination with therapeutic yoga practices, helped her turn on a recovery “light bulb” she didn’t even know existed.

What Makes The Yogi OT™ Unique: The Perfect Partnership
In order to understand what makes services at The Yogi OT℠ unique, we first have to explain the two schools of practice that are integrated into our programs: occupational therapy and yoga.
Where occupation meets mindfulness.
Dedicated to providing mental and behavioral health education, mentorship, and advocacy.